Full list of bonuses and reimbursements established by the order of General Director Valery Bondarenko since April 2023.

An additional monetary incentive was added for all members of the Industrial Group to enhance personnel efficiency.

Now, the company pays out a sensible amount of money to employees who get married or have a child, reimburses expenses for vacations and education for the employees and their children, has a wider range of free medical services and preventive activities, and provides life insurance which is valid 24 hours a day and covers accidents occurring at work as well as after hours. Certain categories of industrial workers receive free meals.

All employees of KONAR Industrial Group can now receive special loyalty bonuses. Starting with two years of continuous work at the company, an additional 1 thousand rubles is added to the paycheck per month with the bonus increasing every year and reaching 7 thousand per month at 15 years of experience. This incentive applies to all employees of any position or specialty.

“It is important to engage everyone in our common cause and results, because what we are trying to do here cannot be achieved alone or with limited assets. It is a big team effort. Our team is motivated to successfully complete tasks and feels secure. Every employee recognizes that they and their children have a future at KONAR”, Olga Moshkina, Deputy HR Director, points out.

KONAR Industrial Group is constantly strengthening its competencies in oil and gas engineering, production of complex metal structures, shipbuilding, full-cycle engineering, and creates new, modern production facilities. That is why the company personnel policy is designed for long-term prospects and targeted training of personnel for current and future business tasks starting from school. Employees are given every opportunity for professional development and career growth; their initiatives are encouraged and implemented at all enterprises of the Group.

“People are the most valuable asset. Therefore, our company constantly improves working conditions, takes care of the health and well-being of our employees and works together with the representatives of the personnel in achieving a common goal – providing engaging, well-paid and safe jobs”, Taras Krokos, Executive Director, explains.

Previously, KONAR social welfare program provided for bonuses on professional holidays, payment for rented accommodations for employees from other cities, free commute via company vehicles, medical services, physiotherapy and vaccination. In addition, the company provides its employees with free swimming pool sessions, English lessons and advanced vocational training at the training center of the enterprise.